About me

Back in 2017 I made the decision to complete my first Ironman. With a background in running and 1 marathon under my belt, I sought after the title of “Ironman”. I had no experience swimming, and I rode a BMX bike to get me to school. After 8 months of training, Mike Reilly announced me as an Ironman at Madison with a time of 11:38:36. My plan was to be a 1 and done, but I was hooked and completed my 2nd Ironman 5 weeks later. Fast forward 5 years and I crossed the finish line in Kona, Hawaii in 2022. Moving forward, my goal is to inspire and empower other athletes as I work towards my professional racing license.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

2024 DSM 70.3 Race Report

This race felt like a little redemption after an ok result at Chatt 3 weeks ago. Having raced DSM back-to-back years now, I’ve copied my 2023 race report and am editing as I go. I’ll try to draw some comparisons throughout as they come up.

Similar to last year, I didn’t get much a taper until Thursday. This was something I requested from my coach after getting sick the previous weekend and backing off on my weekend workouts.


Race morning:

We left the hotel just after 4:45 and were walking into transition just after 5. I opted to forgo the flying mount this race with how close I was to the bike out, which saved me a bit up set-up time. I met up with Drobs and his wife to walk over to the swim start and we just chilled until we were 30 minutes out. Exactly the same as last year =)


Swim: 28:56 (26th overall)

I started in the 3rd wave of 3 getting into the water. Normally everyone is fighting to start up front, but it seemed like they were more timid this time. Before I got to the first buoy my chest felt tight, and I was having a very hard time breathing. Now, let me leave the exact text I had from my 2023 race report. “I had a first on the swim, and that was a claustrophobic type breathing issue. 200 yards in, it felt like someone was standing on my chest and gave me some heavy anxiety.” This was the exact same thing that happened last year. The main difference is that it lifted after 500 yards back in 2023. This time I felt like I was limited the entire swim.  So in typical Matt fashion, there is something I am going to overanalyze here. Feel free to skip this next paragraph as I get into it.

I don’t see this breathing issue as a coincidence and believe is has something to do with the water. Here is why… Post race while driving home, I started to have an allergic reaction to something in car. After a rest stop, I started to improve. Once we got back into the car, I was sneezing and plugged up again. When I finally got home and started handling my wetsuit to rinse it off, the reaction came back. I am thinking something in the water triggered an allergic reaction and tightened up my breathing. I will also say that 5-10 minutes into the bike, I cleared right up and went on to have a strong race.

Back to the bike… Needless to say, I was not happy with my swim being 40s slower than last year. I know I’ve gotten faster and swam this same pace at IMWI last fall. Regardless, I wasn’t overly concerned and was ready to hit it on the bike.


T1: 1:56

Out of the water I had already planned on skipping the wetsuit peelers. The run was also not very long so I wasn’t concerned with overheating. As I mentioned in my race morning, I opted to put my shoes on at the rack. When I leaned over to put them on, I felt dizzy and had to sit down. I was disoriented and struggled to get my shoes on. Even with that issue, I was only 19s slower than last year and I know I made some of that time back when I started riding. Once I was upright again, I felt fine, got clipped in and off I went.


Bike: 2:14:28 (5th overall)

The bike was very solid for me. Since I opted to not pre-mount my shoes, I went straight to race power and blew by 2 other athletes still messing with their shoes. The first 5 miles were technical, but I had a good rider ahead of me to see how he cornered. Once we got out onto the main roads, I was with 2 other athletes and jockeyed positions a few times. I was hitting my power targets exactly how I wanted and let them do the work when it made sense. Once my power started dropping, I opted to make a move on one of the faster descents hitting 43mph. One thing I can say with confidence, my Ku descends incredibly well and fast! Post race I was told I’m very “slippery” on the downhills.

When we got out to a 10-mile straight, we were heading west into the wind (it was light). I was passed and decided to sit back for a bit to see where my effort went. After about 5 minutes I felt I could go faster off the front and put into a 20-minute effort around 270W. When we got to the turnaround, I saw I had dropped 1 of the riders, but the other was still close. He came by me up the main climb despite me pushing 305W. We exchanged a few pleasantries and confirmed our gap to the front of the race was 7 minutes. We went back on forth 2-3 more times until the end of the ride, and I felt very good holding my power numbers. I took over again with 5 miles to go and pushed it through the technical section back into T2.

Last year I made a wrong turn that cost me 2 minutes, biking 2:23. Even if you remove those 2 minutes, I was still 6.5 minutes faster on my Ku. This was also my 2nd time riding under 2:15 (but on a course with 4 U-turns and more elevation).


T2: 2:31

Felt great getting off the bike and becoming confident in my flying dismount on the Ku as well! It seemed efficient and I was 23s faster than last year. I came into T2 with my buddy behind me, so I wanted to create a gap if I could. Sock and shoes came on quickly and I was off.


Run: 1:18:54 (5th overall)

I felt better starting this run than I did last year despite pushing more power on the bike. I was told I had a 7-minute gap to the lead, but I wasn’t sure who was in 1st this point. The guy that won last year ran a 1:23, so I thought I had a shot. I had a slightly different HR plan to push harder early on and upped it every 2 miles. At 10K I reached true race effort and really started to work. Early on I was hitting 6:05-6:10 pace. I knew this wasn’t going to be enough, but it’s what I had at the time. I could see the 4 guys ahead of me at each turn around and measured each gap. It was clear I wasn’t gaining on 1st or 2nd, but I was gaining on 3rd and 4th. At mile 7, I decided it was time to dial it up a bit more. The next 3 miles I split 6:01, 5:58 and 5:58. The body was responding well to the push and that is when I caught 4th place at mile 10. This was timed well with my plan to lean into the final 5K. He didn’t try to go with me as I split 5:54, 6:03 (uphill) and then 5:48 down that long straight. I could barely see 3rd up the road but kept digging like I had last year. I ended up staying in 4th just 35s behind 3rd (and the winner of my AG).

Finish: 4:06:42 (4th overall)

A 4.5-minute 70.3 PR and my first time under 4:10. This was also 7 minutes faster than last year despite the warmer conditions. Although my time would have won back in 2023, everyone was equally faster, and I finished 4th once again.

Overall, I am very pleased with my effort and result on the day. But relative to my competition also improving, I have plenty of work to do.

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